

Please explain how God rested on the 7th creative day.

Genesis chapter one outlines God’s creative process. The scope of this description quickly narrows to focus on the earth. Given that the purpose of the Bible is to provide a means for mankind to understand God, this focusing on man’s home, the earth, is understandable. As the development of the Earth progresses, the account breaks […]

Please explain how God rested on the 7th creative day. Read Post »


Why did God choose Mary to be the mother of Christ? What can we learn from Mary and Joseph preparing for the birth of Christ?

The privilege of giving birth to the Savior of the world couldn’t be given to just anyone. Only a woman with outstanding faith, an extraordinary character, and pure heart would be appropriate for such an honor. We find information about Mary’s beautiful character in Luke 1:26-56, when she responds to the news from the angel Gabriel

Why did God choose Mary to be the mother of Christ? What can we learn from Mary and Joseph preparing for the birth of Christ? Read Post »


Who attended Jesus’ baptism?

The accounts of the baptism of Jesus are found in Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:29-34 and Luke 3:21-22. The only individuals we know for sure who attended Jesus’ baptism was Jesus himself and John the Baptist. It is likely, however, that there were many other unnamed individuals who were present (See Luke 3:21). The account says that many others were baptized just

Who attended Jesus’ baptism? Read Post »


In Psalm 2:7, thou art my son, today I have begotten thee – is applied to Jesus’ baptism at Jordan. However, in Acts 13:33, the same psalm is quoted and applied to the day of Jesus’ resurrection. How do we harmonize this?

Jesus was begotten of the spirit at his baptism. However, the context of Psalm 2 is in keeping with the Apostle Paul’s application that the statement, “this day have I begotten thee” describes Jesus’ resurrection. Psalm 2 opens with the heathen raging and the kings of the earth setting themselves against God and His anointed (verses 1, 2). In other passages, Satan is

In Psalm 2:7, thou art my son, today I have begotten thee – is applied to Jesus’ baptism at Jordan. However, in Acts 13:33, the same psalm is quoted and applied to the day of Jesus’ resurrection. How do we harmonize this? Read Post »


How did God come into existence before he created the heavens and earth? How did he give himself the name, God? Where did he get his authority?

It may be hard to understand, but nobody made God. Psalms 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were born, or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” “Everlasting” means that God was always there. He has existed forever. He had no beginning and has no end. As imperfect human beings, our brains

How did God come into existence before he created the heavens and earth? How did he give himself the name, God? Where did he get his authority? Read Post »


In Luke 16:11 Christ saying wealth is unrighteousness. Then why did God bless David, Solomon, Abraham, and many others with unrighteousness wealth?

This verse refer to is part of a series of parables Jesus gave beginning in Luke chapter 15. There, in verse 2, the scribes and Pharisees murmured because Jesus received sinners and ate with them. Because of their superior attitude, Jesus went on to give the Parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Prodigal

In Luke 16:11 Christ saying wealth is unrighteousness. Then why did God bless David, Solomon, Abraham, and many others with unrighteousness wealth? Read Post »


How do we get in Christ? How do we remain in Christ? Can we get out of Christ by not believing anymore or sinning and by not confessing our sins to God?

How do we get “in” Christ? The call to become body members of Christ is described in Romans 12:1,2: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by

How do we get in Christ? How do we remain in Christ? Can we get out of Christ by not believing anymore or sinning and by not confessing our sins to God? Read Post »

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