Hebrews 2:14 (NIV), “Since the children have flesh and blood, he (Jesus) too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death–that is, the devil-’’
How much does Satan have to do with the calamities of the present time (the storms, earthquakes, etc.)? Aside from his general precipitation of all these things through leading Eve into sin is not clearly shown in the Scriptures. It is intimated that he has much to do with all of man’s calamities, both indirectly and directly. But the lesson provided in Job’s case shows that, in the case of God’s people at least, Satan’s power is limited. He cannot destroy them at his will; he cannot touch them with adversity except as their God permits. And we have the blessed assurance that God will permit only such calamities as will serve to develop us, and to test our trust and obedience.
For this reason we cannot give to Hebrews 2:14 the full force implied in our common versions. Had Satan the power of death fully in his control, he would have had the saints of God perish from the earth long ago. However great a power he may exercise over the world, we know that his power does not extend to the Church. (See John 7:30; 13:1.)
In the Hebrews verse, it seems evident that the word translated power would have been better translated dominion. Satan’s dominion is the dominion of death – i.e., death is the sure result to all who serve and obey him.