When we lose a loved one our automatic response is that they are dancing with the angels or our children are in heaven with family gone before them. My question is are we just dead until Christ returns or are our loved ones with God in heaven upon death.

The Bible confirms that all people go to the grave, to wait as though they are sleeping until the resurrection. Speaking about Jesus, Paul says in Acts 3:21, NLT “For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets.” God has promised a restoration of all things.

Referring to Jesus, Luke says, “…for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10, NKJ) What was lost? When Adam sinned and had to leave the Garden, he lost an earthly home as a human. Jesus gave his life in order to restore that earthly home and existence to humankind.

When Adam died, he went into the grave and returned to the dust from which he was made (Genesis 3:19). Just like Adam, all humans go to the same place when they die: the grave. God never promised that humans would turn into angels when they died or that all would receive a reward in heaven, but he DID promise He would bless humankind with exactly what Adam originally had: life with a perfect mind and body and authority over the animals and a perfect earth (see Acts 3:21, Isaiah 35:1).

When we think that the dead are simply dead, it can seem harsh. But that is not true. Being raised is the very next thing a person will know after they die, because there is no consciousness when we are dead, like being in dreamless sleep. Faithful, spirit begotten Christians will awaken to a heavenly spiritual reward. Everyone else who has ever lived will awaken to a promised resurrection on a perfect earth.